To explore the relation between network structure and function, we studied the computational performance of Hopfield-type attractor neural nets with regular lattice, random, small-world, and scale-free topologies. The random configuration is the most efficient for storage and retrieval of patterns by the network as a whole. However, in the scale-free case retrieval errors are not distributed uniformly among the nodes. The portion of a pattern encoded by the subset of highly connected nodes is more robust and efficiently recognized than the rest of the pattern. The scale-free network thus achieves a very strong partial recognition. The implications of these findings for brain function and social dynamics are suggestive.
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Modeling brain function: the world of attractor neural networks, 1st Edition
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Cortex: Statistics and Geometry of Neuronal Connectivity
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Small worlds
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Introduction to the theory of neural computation
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The organization of behavior
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Spin Glass Theory and Beyond