Adaptation of SONICA for P2P architecture
Recently, many kinds of embedded devices have been connected through networks aimed toward a ubiquitous network, and such devices are being used to construct distributed multimedia systems. Peer-to-peer (P2P) communication architecture, which is different from legacy client-server communication architecture, embodies one of the key technical concepts of the next-generation network technology. We have proposed a new network framework named SONICA, Service Oriented Network Interoperability for Components Adaptation. This framework is based on the distributed multiple server approach, in which each embedded device has a server function and a client acquires a required function by consolidating some of the distributed server functions. In this paper, we analyze the requirements of ubiquitous networks and apply P2P architecture based on SIP to SONICA. We also evaluate the performance of device control with UPnP and Jini by using implemented systems.