Infall of galaxies into the virgo cluster and some cosmological constraints
A family of mass models have been developed to describe the observed infall of galaxies in the Virgo Southern Extension toward the Virgo Cluster. The requirement that the mass models also explain the motion of our Galaxy with respect to the Virgo Cluster provides some constraints of cosmological interest. If the age of the universe is 10 15 Gyr, there is already (too much) much mass at small radii, as implied both by the virial analysis of the cluster and the infall model for the galaxies close to the cluster, to explain the motion of our Galaxy. If it is insisted that the universe is older than this limit, then a tractable conclusion is that the cosmological constant is positive. With the mass-age models and a census of the distribution of galaxies near the Virgo Cluster, it is possible to estimate the near-future accretion rate of galaxies into the central cluster.