The function of conversational code switching in episodes "bancak Doyok" and "Setyawati" of RCTI "Ketoprak Humor"

This thesis is a study of code switching in one of the traditional play programs in RCTI, one of the Indonesian private television channels. The program that is chosen for this study is a popular traditional play `Ketoprak Humor?. The writer is interested in code switching because she notices that the use of code switching has made the performance more interesting. Moreover, this program usually contains many code switchings that need to be discussed. Therefore, this study is an attempt to make a description of the functions of conversational code switching occuring in the episodes of Ketoprak Humor entitled 'Bancak Doyok' and 'Setyawati' by analysing the languages used by the characters in their dialogues. Several theories of sociolinguistics such as theory of bilingual linguistic repertoire and Gumperz? theory of conversational code switching are employed as they help to understand conversational code switching. From the analysis, the writer finds that there are six function of conversational code switching, i.e. Quotation, Addressee Specification, Interjection, Reiteration, Message Qualification, Personalization vs Objectivization. Among the six functions of code switching, Personalization vs Objectivization has the highest occurrence. It is more dominant than other functions because the characters in `Ketoprak Humor? usually try to contrast their personal and objective message to the television audiences. Since the players perform the play in a spontaneous way and they are free to express themselves, so the characters used six types of conversational function of code switching.