Sequential Consensus for Selecting Qualified Individuals of a Group

In this paper we analyze a group decision procedure that follows a recursive pattern. In the first stage, the members of a group show their opinions on all the individuals of that group, regarding a specific attribute, by means of assessments within an ordered set, e.g. the unit interval or a finite scale. Taking into account this information, some aggregation operators and a family of thresholds, a subgroup of individuals is selected: those members whose collective assessment reach a specific threshold. Now only the opinions of this qualified subgroup are taken into account and a new subgroup emerges in the implementation of the aggregation phase. We analyze how to put in practice this recursive procedure in order to provide a final subgroup of qualified members. We have considered the minimum as aggregation operator. Thus, the collective assessment is just the worst of the individual assessments. This idea corresponds to qualify individuals whenever all the individual assessments reach the fixed threshold.