Meta Analysis on the Digital Textbook's Effectiveness on Learning Attitude

This study was applied the digital textbook's effectiveness on the learning attitude to the reports about 24 schools for research designated by the MEST(Ministry of Education, Science & Technology) and local Education Offices in 2008 and 2009. From the report data, the researcher calculated the overall effect size on learning attitude and respective effect size on the subjects of Korean, Mathematics, Sociology, Science and English. The result of this study is as follows: First, in terms of the digital textbook' effect on learning attitude, its overall, average effect size was 0.20 and 57.5% in the U3 index. The digital textbook appeared 7.5% improvement in the learning attitude compared to that of paper-printed textbook. Second, its effect on each subject was appeared in order of Korea(0.28), Sociology(0.27), Science(0.25), Mathematics(0.08), and English(0.08). According to Cohen's interpretation method, it can be said 3 subjects of Korean, Sociology and Science have small-sized improvement effects. But the subjects of English and Mathematics seemed not to have any change in learning attitude depending a kind of textbook.