Morph is an open source cloud transcoding system. It can leverage the scalability of the cloud infrastructure to encode and transcode video contents in fast speed, and dynamically provision the resources in cloud to accommodate the workload. The system is composed of a master node that performs the video file segmentation, concentration, and task scheduling operations; and multiple worker nodes that perform the transcoding for video blocks. Morph can transcode the video blocks of a video file on multiple workers in parallel to achieve fast speed, and automatically manage the data transfers and communications between the master node and the worker nodes. The worker nodes can join into or leave the transcoding cluster at any time for dynamic resource provisioning. The system is very modular, and all of the algorithms can be easily modified or replaced. We release the source code of Morph under MIT License, hoping that it can be shared among various research communities.
Chen-Hsiu Huang.
Video Transcoding Architectures and Techniques : An Overview
Christian Timmerer,et al.
Cloud-based Transcoding and Adaptive Video Streaming-asa-Service
Yonggang Wen,et al.
Cost-efficient and QoS-aware content management in media cloud: Implementation and evaluation
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC).
Christian Timmerer,et al.
Transcoding and streaming-as-a-service for improved video quality on the web
Yonggang Wen,et al.
Resource provisioning and profit maximization for transcoding in Information Centric Networking
2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS).