A Review of Poll Everywhere Audience Response System
Poll Everywhere, an audience response system based on cell phone texting technology, was tested in two undergraduate social work classes with very positive results. A survey conducted in one class reveals that two-thirds of the students answered every question and 14% most of the questions; over 90% found text-based polling to be either easy or extremely easy to use; over 90% thought it helped them learn class material; and over 80% would recommend or highly recommend its use. The instructors, too, found many strengths to this system. It is very easy to use, proved to be an effective way to engage students and increase class participation, free for a class size up to 40 students, and free to students with cell phone plans with unlimited text messaging. With the vast majority of college students owning cell phones, and text messaging serving as their primary form of cell phone communication, this technology is an intuitive, cost-effective, user-friendly technology that can enhance students' learning and classroom experience, and instructors' effectiveness in teaching course material and assessing students' command of the same by examining the results of their polls.