Activity in the Lateral Intraparietal Area Predicts the Goal and Latency of Saccades in a Free-Viewing Visual Search Task

The purpose of saccadic eye movements is to facilitate vision, by placing the fovea on interesting objects in the environment. Eye movements are not made for reward, and they are rarely restricted. Despite this, most of our knowledge about the neural genesis of eye movements comes from experiments in which specific eye movements are rewarded or restricted. Such experiments have demonstrated that activity in the lateral intraparietal (LIP) area of the monkey correlates with the monkey's planning of a memory-guided saccade or deciding where, on the basis of motion information, to make a saccade. However, other experiments have shown that neural activity in LIP can easily be dissociated from the generation of saccadic eye movements, especially when sophisticated behavioral paradigms dissociate the monkey's locus of attention from the goal of an intended saccade. In this study, we trained monkeys to report the results of a visual search task by making a nontargeting hand movement. Once the task began, the monkeys were entirely free to move their eyes, and rewards were not contingent on the monkeys making specific eye movements. We found that neural activity in LIP predicted not only the goal of the monkey's saccades but also their saccadic latencies.

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