Advanced MMIC components for Ka-band communications systems. A survey

A number of civil applications such as motion sensors and communications systems are planned to use the Ka-band frequency range. An MMIC chip set for the realization of the millimeter-wave front-end has been developed. The key MMIC circuit functions for Ka-band communication systems have been fabricated. Low noise amplifiers, a medium power amplifier, mixers and a dielectric resonator oscillator (DRO) have been developed using a common 0.25 /spl mu/m PMHFET technology allowing the future integration of several key components on a single chip. A voltage controlled oscillator has been realized in a GaInP-GaAs HBT technology for improvement of the phase noise performance. Low noise Schottky diode upconverter and downconverter are also available in 0.25 /spl mu/m MESFET technology with buried n/sup +/ layer.