Low-complexity space-time processing for wideband beamforming

Frequency constrained Frost beamformer (FCFB) is a well-substantiated method for designing wideband beamforming. In order to reduce the computation complexity of FCFB and hold an excellent performance of anti-jamming and low sidelobes, this paper proposes a fast reduced-rank Frost beamformer (FRRFB). The frequency domain constraints are decomposed by singular value decomposition (SVD) operation obtaining the dominant eigenvalue of the constraints, SVD-constraints. Several received-data vector are taken as a rough and fast estimate of the true wideband interference subspace. FRRFB has an excellent performance of wideband beamforming with small computational burden and is easier to be implemented in practical applications. Compared with Frost, FCFB and Laguerre beamformer, the proposed structure shows a superior performance in simulation with less computational complexity.