Biochemical and Functional Study of Antithrombin III in Newborn Infants

Summary Antithrombin III (AT-III) was isolated by heparin affinity chromatography from adult venous and newborn term and preterm umbilical cord blood. The purified proteins were compared by SDS-PAGE, rocket immuno-electrophoresis, protein concentration by microbiuret relative to optical density at 280 nm, heparin cofactor specific activity, progressive neutralization of thrombin and factor Xa at 37°C and pH related antithrombin kinetics. The structural evaluations revealed a fetal AT-III of molecular weight, charge and electrophoretic migration indistinguishable from adult AT-III. The functional studies showed that, on an equimolar basis, the rates of thrombin and Xa interactions with fetal AT-III were as rapid as those with adult AT-III. The catalytic rates of various concentrations of heparin were also equal. The newborn infant, therefore, displays a quantitative but not qualitative deficiency of AT-III.