Mathematical morphology in computerized analysis of angiograms in age-related macular degeneration.

This paper deals with image processing of numerical retinal angiograms in order to facilitate diagnosis and follow-up in age-related macular degeneration (AMD) which is currently the main cause of blindness in industrialized countries. A computerized scheme using principally mathematical morphology operators is proposed for detecting and counting drusen, which are precursor lesions of the ocular fundus. In order to check the feasibility of this approach, results relative to 58 retinal images are compared with those given by three retinal specialists independently. From manual counting measures it is found that interobserver correlation coefficients lie in the range 0.71-0.78. On the other hand, a correlation coefficient of 0.89 is obtained when the average of the three expert countings is compared with the drusen number given by the computerized method. This coefficient is improved from 0.89 to 0.93 by processing only frames captured immediately after the appearance of a dye consecutive to intravenous sodium fluorescein injection. Compared to the manual analysis which is, among other things, tedious and time consuming, the computerized analysis is both quicker and more objective. Validation by the practitioner is however necessary, given possible detection errors. The proposed computerized scheme for detecting and counting drusen may be easily automated and so should prove useful in clinical studies which involve high volume analysis of retinal angiograms.