Guidance Document for Control of Microbiological Growth in An Air Force Base Water Distribution Systems.
Abstract : In recent years, a of propet; control, maintenance, and management of base water systems has resulted in an increased period of bacteriological noncompliance in the distribution system. Amistrong Laboratory (AL) has conducted some limited case studies of such violations of Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Regulations. The objective of this guidance document is to assist Air Force Civil and Bioenvironmental Engineers (CE/BEE) in operating and maintaining water distribution systems to avoid distribution system water quality violations of SDWA Regulations and to develop corrective actions. The report provides a summary of requirements of various existing SDWA Regulations that have impacts on distribution water quality, such as Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR) and Total Coliform Rule, as well as potential future rules, such as Information Collection Rule (ICR) and DisinfectantDisinfection By-Products Rule (D/DBP). An action plan has been developed describing bacteriological sampling requirements of TCR and possible corrective actions to avoid noncompliance. A systematic methodology has been described to develop a comprehensive maintenance program to improve general water quality in distribution systems, and a case study has been conducted to illustrate the methodology.