Hotlists and Web browsing behavior—an empirical investigation

Abstract This paper constitutes an exploratory investigation into how individuals use the ‘bookmarks’ or ‘favorites’ feature of Web browsers, which has been generically designated a ‘hotlist.’ We conduct exploratory inquiries, first using interviews and then a Web-based survey of an Internet Service Provider's subscribers in order to examine Web users' construction and usage of hotlists as well as their ‘user orientation’ (goal-directed or experiential) toward the Web. Findings of both inquiries confirm the important role that is played by hotlists in browsing and searching behavior. Results also shed light on the determinants and consequences of hotlist construction and usage. In light of our findings, we discuss how user orientations may differ between more traditional media and the Web, draw managerial implications relating to the operation of pioneer brand advantages in the context of the Web, and offer suggestions for further research.

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