p(x): probability density distribution r(x): probability density ratio psuccess(x): density distribution for satisfactory samples pall(x): density distribution for all samples (x|μ,Σ): normal distribution with mean μ and covariant matrix Σ k : index of components for mixture model π k: mixing coefficient for k-th mixture component μk : mean for k-th mixture component ∑k: covariant matrix for k-th mixture component x: states of aircraft dynamics u: control input y: output w: velocity in z-direction (body axis) q: pitch angular velocity α: angle of attack αc: angle of attack command k: adjustable parameter vector Kα: feedback gain for AoA (adjustable parameter) Kq: proportional feedback gain for pitch angular velocity (adjustable parameter) KIα: integral feedback gain for AoA (adjustable parameter) Kδe: additional elevator loop gain (uncertain parameter) TD: delay time (uncertain parameter) σ: standard deviation ( ) : estimated value
Takafumi Kanamori,et al.
Density Ratio Estimation in Machine Learning
Robert F. Stengel,et al.
Robust Control System Design Using Simulated Annealing
Radford M. Neal.
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
Yoshikazu Miyazawa,et al.
Stochastic Parameter Tuning Applied to Space Vehicle Flight Control Design
Junichiro Kawaguchi,et al.
Stochastic Approach to Robust Flight Control Design Using Hierarchy-Structured Dynamic Inversion