Algorithms and software for pole assignment and observers. Revision 1

This is a final report for a project entitled ''Algorithms and Software for Pole Assignment and Observers'' for Dr. Charles J. Herget of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The work consisted of evaluating some algorithms and software for pole placement and producing some software for full-order observers. Several promising pole placement approaches were tried and extensive numerical testing was done. This is documented in detail later in the report. A suite of programs to implement full-order observer design, as well as stand-alone pole placement software, has been written and documented and is also described in detail in the sequel. Both single-input and multi-input pole placement were investigated with considerable effort being devoted to writing code for the latter for which no reliable codes were already available. Time did not permit writing and testing of code to do minimal order observers buth such a project looks feasible and may be undertaken independently by the authors.