Construction live loads on slab formworks before concrete placement

Abstract A description is given of a survey of live loads on slab formworks in multistory concrete buildings during construction. The survey was conducted during the period 1987 to 1990 and embraced over 22 concrete building projects in several different cities. In this survey, data were collected on the materials and equipment stored on slab formworks and the worker's load. The live loads supported by slab formworks change continously during construction. This paper studies the live loads on formworks before the concrete slab is poured. The survey procedure and a statistical analysis of the collected data are presented. The statistical moments of equivalent uniformly distributed loads for formwork member load effects are obtained by using the covariance function developed for the observed live loads and formwork member load effect influence surfaces. A distribution function for formwork member load effects is investigated and fractiles of the calculated equivalent uniformly distributed loads are compared with the current formwork minimum design load recommendations.