The Congruence Myth: An Analysis of the Efficacy of the Person-Environment Fit Model.

Abstract The idea that person–environment (P–E) fit is an important moderator of outcomes is a central theoretical construct and the subject of empirical scrutiny in vocational, counseling, educational, social, industrial/organizational, and management psychology. For the most part the research reveals that the P–E fit model is valid. Indeed, the research evidence may understate the efficacy of P–E fit models because of sampling inadequacies, the use of fit indices to evaluate the models, and the lack of commensurate measurement, but these design flaws are offset to some extent by the confirmatory bias that has characterized P–E fit research. The literature also demonstrates that hexagonal congruence is not related to satisfaction or other important vocational outcomes and that Holland's (1997) circumplex hypothesis lacks validity. The lack of support for Holland's theory is not due to design flaws involving the sample size, the validity of the instruments used in the research, nor the validity of the fit indices used, but the lack of commensurate measurement in research investigating Holland's theory may be a contributing factor. The needs for further conceptual development, research using longitudinal designs, and the use of conceptually sound approaches to data analysis are discussed.

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