Exact solutions for a Maxwell-Kalb-Ramond action with dilaton: Localization of massless and massive modes in a sine-Gordon brane-world

We analytically find the exact propagation modes of the electromagnetic and the Kalb-Ramond fields together in a five-dimensional curved space-time. The existence and localization of gauge particles into our four-dimensional world (4D) is studied in detail on a brane-world scenario in which two gauge fields interact with a dilaton and a gravitational background. The coupling to the dilaton is different in each case causing the splitting between gauge spectra. The gauge-field zero-modes and an infinite tower of Kaluza-Klein massive states are analytically obtained. Relevant conditions on the dilaton coupling constant are found in order to identify with precision every finite tensor and vector eigenstate in the theory. An exact quantization condition on the whole mass spectrum, depending on the dilaton coupling constant and the bulk Planck mass, is inherited from the extra-dimension. This allows finding an exact rule to prevent tachyons in the theory and, by the same token, predicting a possible tensor zero-mode in 4D world. We also show that KK massive-modes contributions onto 4D physics are strongly suppressed.