The Influence of Short Rotation Forestry on Wood Production for Sawnwood and Veneer

SYNOPSIS Short rotations for the production of saw and veneer logs range from 20 to 35 years during which logs of the required size and quality are produced provided that thinning and pruning regimes are meticulously adhered to. Early and regular thinnings to stimulate diameters growth coupled with timely prunings to limit the size of the knotty core are essential. Data are presented to illustrate volume production in stands of different site qualities and to indicate financial returns attainable from such stands. Discussions of log sizes suitable for saw-timber and veneer production produced in short rotation forestry are followed by some remarks on the wood properties of such logs. Sawing diagrams used for logs of the sizes produced by short rotation forestry, the yields of sawn timber and the compositions of the boards are presented. Discussions of veneer production and quality follow and finally possible improvements in wood quality that can be brought about by sylvicultural and tree breeding operatio...