带有退化维修和交货期窗口的加工时间分别可控的单机排序问题 Single-Machine Due-Window Assignment and Scheduling with Discretely Controllable Job Processing Times and a Deteriorating Rate-Modifying Activity

本文讨论了带有退化维修和交货期窗口的加工时间分别可控的单机排序问题。每个工件有多个可能的加工时间,不同的加工时间会产生不同的费用。为了提高机器的生产效率,进行一次退化维修。考虑了两个不同的问题:所有工件有一个共同的交货期窗口;每个工件有属于自己的交货期窗口。目标是确定最优的工件加工顺序、维修活动位置、交货期窗口位置以及极小化总费用函数,给出了多项式时间算法,证明了该问题是多项式时间可解。 In this paper, we consider single-machine due-window assignment and scheduling with discretely controllable job processing times and a deteriorating rate-modifying activity. Each job has multiple processing times to be selected and different processing times are associated with different costs. In addition, we can schedule a deteriorating rate-modifying activity in order to reduce the total cost. We consider two versions of the problem, in the first version, all the jobs share a common due-window and in the second version, each job has their own due-window. The objective is to determine the optimal job sequence, schedule the deteriorating rate-modifying activity and the due-window, so as to minimize the total cost. We provide polynomial-time algorithms for the considered problems.