A Modelling Framework for Human Resource-Based Business Processes

The implementation of an integrated information system, like an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) or an APS (Advanced Planning Systems) is nowadays a key issue for companies. The problems that can appear during their integration, which is always a difficult task, are nowadays better identified even if their origins are often multiples and complexes. Defining new business processes and coupling systems with users are thus, sources of many problems. The integration of such systems requires a mapping between the processes used in the company and the standard processes supported by the information systems. In that purpose, a BPR (Business Process Reengineering) project always precedes the implementation of the information system. We suggest to better adapt the business processes to the human actors by explicitly taking into account concepts like the role, competence and knowledge of the human resource. We show how these concepts may complement techniques like BPR in order to better identify the needs and possibilities of the workforce, with the final goal of increasing the efficiency and acceptability of the system to be implemented.