Spatial-Aware Non-Local Attention for Fashion Landmark Detection

Fashion landmark detection is a challenging task even using the current deep learning techniques, due to the large variation and non-rigid deformation of clothes. In order to tackle these problems, we propose Spatial-Aware Non-Local (SANL) block, an attentive module in the deep neural network which can utilize spatial and semantic information while capturing global dependency. The attention maps are generated by Grad-CAM or a human parsing segmentation model and then fed into the SANL blocks via attention mechanism. We then establish our fashion landmark detection framework on feature pyramid network, equipped with four SANL blocks in the backbone. It is demonstrated by the experimental results on two large-scale fashion datasets that our proposed fashion landmark detection approach with the SANL blocks outperforms the current state-of-the-art methods considerably. Some supplementary experiments on fine-grained image classification also show the effectiveness of the proposed SANL block.

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