Synergi, ett digitalt rapporteringsverktyg för arbetsmiljö

Title: Synergi, a digital reporting tool for working environment. Authors: Sebastian Larsson & Joel Stahl Supervisor: Radhlinah Aulin, Senior lecturer at the Department of Building and Environmental Technology, Division of Construction Management, Lund University. Examinator: Anne Landin, Professor at the Department of Building and Environmental Technology, Division of Construction Management, Lund University. Problems: What is the reason to report accidents, near misses and observations that occur at the work site? How does the reporting tool Synergi work? What possibilities and obstacles exists when using the reporting tool Synergi? What are our recommendations to improve and increase the usage with the reporting tool Synergi? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate ways to increase the number of users with a digital reporting tool considering accidents, near misses and observations. Further will possibilities and difficulties be identified when introducing digital reporting and analysis tools. Method: The study is partially based on examination of the reporting tool Synergi, but it is also based on interviews and surveys done with different professions within building construction and different user levels within Synergi. The surveys have been adapted to each participating profession and the questions that were answered were mainly based on attitude towards working environment, knowledge regarding Synergi and requests regarding future work with work environment reporting. Interviews was made with the professions that are using the tool the most and the questions were adapted to each profession here as well. 10 interviews have been made and 26 surveys have been collected. Conclusion: The conclusions are based on the analyses of the interviews and surveys and have with support of established theories been complied in the best way possible to solve the problems. The main areas that were observed was functions & user friendliness, education, availability and case reports. A digital reporting tool offers great possibilities to perform different types of analysis’s and statistics compilations. On the other hand, it could easily get problematic when introducing a new digital reporting tool. These problems are mainly based on the lack of knowledge the users possess, this combines both technical skill and difficulties with understanding the true purpose of the reporting. To be able to introduce a digital reporting tool in the best way possible you must: • Determine the requirements you have on the users and form an education based on that. • Use a tool that satisfies the demands from the people that does the reporting and the ones the does the analyses. • Offer the required conditions to make sure that everyone is able to use the tool. Further it is important to have an efficient work with experience feedback, this is suggestively done by using report summaries which have been designed and are being used to satisfy the needs within the organisation. Key words: Working environment, digital tools, reporting, Synergi, (Less)