Quantum mechanics of history: The decoherence functional in quantum mechanics.

We study a formulation of quantum mechanics in which the central notion is that of a quantum-mechanical history\char22{}a sequence of events at a succession of times. The primary aim is to identify sets of ``decoherent'' (or ``consistent'') histories for the system. These are quantum-mechanical histories suffering negligible interference with each other, and, therefore, to which probabilities may be assigned. These histories may be found for a given system using the so-called decoherence functional. When the decoherence functional is exactly diagonal, probabilities may be assigned to the histories, and all probability sum rules are satisfied exactly. We propose a condition for approximate decoherence, and argue that it implies that most probability sum rules will be satisfied to approximately the same degree. We also derive an inequality bounding the size of the off-diagonal terms of the decoherence functional. We calculate the decoherence functional for some simple one-dimensional systems, with a variety of initial states. For these systems, we explore the extent to which decoherence is produced using two different types of coarse graining. The first type of coarse graining involves imprecise specification of the particle's position. The second involves coupling the particle to a thermal bath of harmonic oscillators and ignoring the details of the bath (the Caldeira-Leggett model). We argue that both types of coarse graining are necessary in general. We explicitly exhibit the degree of decoherence as a function of the temperature of the bath, and of the width to within which the particle's position is specified. We study the diagonal elements of the decoherence functional, representing the probabilities for the possible histories of the system. To the extent that the histories decohere, we show that the probability distributions are peaked about the classical histories of the system, with the distribution of their initial positions and momenta given by a smeared version of the Wigner function. We discuss this result in connection with earlier uses of the Wigner function in this context. We find that there is a certain amount of tension between the demands of decoherence and peaking about classical paths.