Research on the Data Storage and Access Model in Distributed Environment

In order to improve the data access efficiency and enhance the security in IT systems, a layered access control model with classified distributed storage in distributed environment is presented[1,2]. In the model, information is stored in numbers of physical distributed storage nodes. The storage architecture is logically organized into four classes, which includes active data storage, static data storage, backup data storage and data warehouse. Data access efficiency is increased because most applications will concentrate on active data storage or static data storage where the most recently and frequently used data are stored. Data security access is controlled through a 3-layered access control model based on RBAC model[3,4]. The three layers include operation layer, data logic security shield layer and application layer. Operation layer and application layer are to control the authorized access for system managers and application end users respectively. The data logic security shield layer is to shield the difference among the database safety control organizations. It is appreciated after the model has been applied to Zhejiang Fuchunjiang Limited Company.