The social basis of the microelectronics revolution

Part 1 The dominant social constituency of a technological process methodological aspects structure of the book. Part 2 The social basis of the United States research and development system from the Second World War to the present: the role of the military the aftermath of the Second World War crisis and loss of confidence the resurgence of the power complex contradictory trends the case against the military burden. Part 3 The social shaping of United States microtechnology from the Second World War to the mid 1970s: the legacy of the Second World War the government-military-led development of the post-war period 1945-mid 1960s - industrial control, computer systems, semiconductors the decline of government-military influence. Part 4 The current development of microtechnology: re-strengthening the links between corporate capital, government, the military and science the renewed influence of the military on the current development of microtechnology - the VHSIC and Sematech programmes, the strategic computing plan (SCP), the ICAM and man tech programmes, the strategic defense initiative (SDI) conflicting views about the wisdom of the renewed military drive. Part 5 The current development of microtechnology II: convergence of technologies and capital in the electronics industry - AT and T and IBM on a collision course, convergence of capital electronics competition on a global scale, evolution of United States, European and Japanese electronics markets, current trends in the global battle for control of electronics markets, global alliances in the battle for control of the electronics infrastructure. Part 6 Foundations of the future I: dissecting the dominant social constituency of the United States microtechnology, the science constituent, the capital constituent, the government and military constituents some conceptualizations of the United States social complex of power the power complex as dominant social constituency of microtechnology. Part 7 Foundations of the Future II: the present constituency of power - the path ahead searching for a new social constituency.