동태적 정보서비스 품질 관리 모델

The information service management models developed thus far have put their focuses mostly on technical dimensions of information systems (IS), finding their rationale from the goods-dominant logic (GDL) that IS as goods has value in itself. Information systems, however, is nothing more than a mechanism by which value is delivered to the users. According to the service-dominant logic (SDL), value is created and determined not at the time serve is made by the providers but at the time it is consumed by the users. The users therefore should be regarded as active value creators not as passive consumers of the value delivered by the providers. Based on the service-dominant logic, DISQM (Dynamic Information Service Quality Model) is developed. DISQM`s backbone is designed in causal loop diagrams referring to and reinterpreting in systems thinking the ``Parasuraman, Zeithaml & Berry`s GAP Model`` and ``SERVQUAL`` as an operational tool for the GAP Model, and the main IS success constructs are mapped onto the model exploiting the ``DeLone & MacLean`s IS Success Model``. With VENSIM simulation software, this paper also shows how DISQM works in computer-simulation settings. After confirming DISQM`s validity with the base simulation run, two scenarios are developed for the exemplary purpose and tested in terms of IS quality, service quality, and net benefits from the service for the public information service. Implications from the simulation runs are also discussed.