Abstract Sound Objects to Expand the Vocabulary of Sound Design for Visual and Theatrical Media

Sound Objects to Expand the Vocabulary of Sound Design for Visual and Theatrical Media Eric Somers Dept. of Performing and Visual Arts Acousmatic Designer Dutchess Community College The Sandbook Studio 53 Pendell Road 160 Academy St. #5M Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 USA Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 914.431.8620 914.471.7145 somers@sunydutchess.edu somers@sandbook.com (Please note that the 914 telephone area code will be changed to a new currently unspecified number in the summer of 2000) ABSTRACT In this design paper the author explores the kind of sound objects which are typically used in designing sound for theatre and media then proposes to expand the “vocabulary” of traditional sound design through the use of abstract sonic objects to be associated with specific visual events and visual environments. The use of sonic icons and other sound design for interactive electronic devices is seen as a basis for linking abstract sounds with visual expression. Several experimental design experiments using abstract sound objects to accompany visual communication are described. Also discussed is the role of sound in making communication memorable.In this design paper the author explores the kind of sound objects which are typically used in designing sound for theatre and media then proposes to expand the “vocabulary” of traditional sound design through the use of abstract sonic objects to be associated with specific visual events and visual environments. The use of sonic icons and other sound design for interactive electronic devices is seen as a basis for linking abstract sounds with visual expression. Several experimental design experiments using abstract sound objects to accompany visual communication are described. Also discussed is the role of sound in making communication memorable.