Meeting point of strategy and operations: tactical management sense and response framework enhancement

We recognize a problem of work overload in every managerial position nowadays. This is complemented with data overload, and still somehow, information inadequacy. We recognize the problem of rather clear strategic or business plan expectations and inability to meet them. We also recognize the problem of complexity of issues every manager has to deal with in all of their diversity. All of these elements persisting in an uncertain and unpredictable environment of today's business, technology and economy, where planning is trading places with structuring, modularizing and preparing oneself in being adaptive to any given circumstances, especially in terms of tactics, denote longing for multidimensional support. There are various efforts and products to automatize and enrich the data in order to give basis for better decision-making and problem solving. Also, there are frameworks to formalize and verbalize the strategic or business plan expectations and targets with respective performance measurement in order to point out the direction where a business unit/company should be headed. And quite a lot is being done on a subject-specific areas such as: Alignment of IT and Strategy, Business Operations and Strategy,. But the perceived "boiling" zone of tactical management is somehow un-addressed, both in theory and with feasible artifacts. Tactical Management as the managerial function that implements strategies and deploys and utilizes specific resources from the operational level in order to gain that specific advantage prescribed in the strategy has both differentiating and uniting characteristics when compared to operations and strategy. Furthermore, if standing in the shoes of a tactical manager, what one will see as work description, will be overwhelming crossroads of unmatched information flows in structure, depths, sources, manners, complexity, timings, and expectations. How to perceive, organize, handle and utilize all that landscape with what is given, and be able to handle it dynamically, appropriately and with least expenditures, is what we are aiming for. It's neither straightforward, nor an easy, automated task. For anyone. It is both company-and person-dependent task. This research focuses on tactical management, from the perspective of the individual manager. We believe that by Enhancing the Sense-and-Respond Framework on a tactical level we will assist the individual tactical manager with increased adaptability and handling complexity.