Estimating demand side management impacts on buildings in smart grid

Estimation of end-use load impacts plays an important role in effective power distribution in a smart grid. This paper describes a framework for estimating end-use based demand side management (DSM) impacts of a commercial building. A hybrid combination of actual measurements (for a period of few months, on five minute basis) and estimation of operation schedules is used for segregating the load profile into end-uses. DSM program is designed considering the end uses in building and its impact on overall load curve is estimated. A case study of the Main Administrative Building of IIT Bombay is considered in this paper. The DSM options selected were replacement of old fluorescent lights, fans and corridor security lighting, bi-level switching of office lights and staggering of air conditioners. The DSM study for Main Building indicates 27% demand reduction for a peak demand of 75 kW and energy conservation of 24% for a consumption of 675 kWh per day. The conservation supply curves indicate the cost of saved energy to be less than the average cost of electricity, indicating economic viability. This study can be further scaled up to estimate DSM impact of a city/region on this grid.