해상크레인을 이용한 단순 구조물의 하상 시뮬레이션

A coupled analysis of a floating crane barge with crane wire and hanging structure is carried out in time domain. The motion analysis of crane barge is based on floating multi-body dynamics and crane wire is modelled by simple spring tension. Hanging structure is assumed as rigid body with 3 degree-of-freedom translational motion. In this study, numerical simulations were conducted at three different stages. Firstly, developed code was validated by comparing time-domain motion response of crane barge with frequency-domain results. Then, coupled analysis of a crane barge and a simple structure hanging by crane wire were performed by using present scheme. Motion response and wire tension from present calculations are compared with the results of OrcaFlex. Agreement between two results are fairly good. Lastly, lowering process was simulated considering buoyancy of the hanging structure. The transient response of sturcture and barge due to buoyancy change is observed. The comparison of the present and OrcaFlex simulations ensures that the present simulation method is quite accurate and stable.