Playmaker: a Knowledge-Based Approach to Characterizing hydrocarbon Plays

This paper discusses the design and implementation of PLAYMAKER, a knowledge-based system for characterizing hydrocarbon plays. PLAYMAKER is a component of XX (eXpert eXplorer), a workstation-based tool that aids exploration geologists in a number of different tasks: sediment and carbonate simulation, play and field characterization, retrieval and storage of information in a geological database, comparison of the play or field under study with other fields in the database, and report generation. PLAYMAKER is implemented using MIDST (Mixed Inferencing Dempster-Shafer Tool), a rule-based expert system shell that incorporates mixed-initiative and inexact reasoning based on the Dempster-Shafer evidence combination scheme. This paper discusses the effectiveness of a two-level knowledge base structure adopted for the design and implementation of PLAYMAKER.