Phenomenology of tics and natural history of tic disorders

Tic symptoms, the hallmark of Tourette’s syndrome (TS), may simply be fragments of innate behavior. As such, the sensory urges that precede tics may illuminate some of the normal internal cues that are intimately involved in the assembly of behavioral sequences. The occurrence of tics in time appears to have fractal characteristics that may help to explain the waxing and waning course of tic disorders. Longitudinal studies are currently underway that should permit a close examination of the natural fluctuations in tic severity using valid and reliable clinician-rated scales of tic severity. The natural history of tics typically shows a marked decline during the course of adolescence. However, TS can also be associated with social, emotional, and academic difficulties in early adulthood. Comorbid attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder are likely to influence the long-term adaptive outcomes of individuals with TS. Future progress may also be expected as endophenotypes, and possibly genetic markers, are identified that are associated with specific comorbid conditions and etiologically distinct forms of TS. 0 2003 Elsevier Science B .V. All rights reserved.

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