Government in Research

THE National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences has declined to administer the Atomic Energy Commission's nonclassified predoctoral fellowship program. The refusal was due to Congressional requirements of FBI investigation and AEC clearance. This action once again emphasizes the need for a revaluation and redirection of government-sponsored research. As scientists, we recognize the need for extensive research if the new field of atomic science is to progress. We also realize that most of the AEC's applied research must be kept secret. For that reason we agree in principle with laws passed by Congress requiring loyalty oaths, non-Communist affidavits, investigation bv the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and security clearance by the AEC for personnel engaged in this type of research. However, much of the AEC's basic research, which is nonclassified, falls into an entirely different category. This basic research, although essential, has a limited potential value from a military standpoint...