설문조사를 통한 노후 공동주택의 설비 리모델링 의식조사

This study has been conducted to provide the basic datum to draw mechanical equipments needed for aged apartment housing remodeling by questioning survey and interview for residents who has been lived in the aged apartment housing. To preferences survey, we prepare four forms of sheets - questioning survey and interview for residents, interview for managers, and visiting interview for residents. The questioning survey results shows that some residents feel discomfort for water hammer and water supply noise and for noise and stink transmission from air duct installed ceiling to ventilate bathroom. The interview results for residents and managers shows typically two major problems. The first is insulation and heating problems when balcony extended in each household. The second is piping and shaft layouts problem for maintenance and remodeling flexibility. It is important to study indepth each problems because these problems will increase more in the future.