Creating of the permanent space patrol of ionizing solar radiation

One of the gaps of the modern solar-terrestrial physics is an absence of the permanent space monitoring of the soft X-ray and extreme ultraviolet radiation from the full disk of Sun. The permanent Solar Patrol at the main part of the ionizing radiation spectra 0.8-115 (119) nm does not exist. These measurements are very complicated because of the technical and methodological difficulties. In S.I. Vavilov State Optical Institute (SOI) the apparatus for the Space Solar Patrol (SSP) has been developed in the period 1996-2002 years which includes multiyear experience of developing such apparatus. The base of this apparatus is the use of unique detectors of ionizing radiation the open secondary electron multipliers, which are “solar blind” to near UV, visible and IR radiations of the Sun, and new methodology of these solar spectrophotometric absolute measurements. There are plans to launch the optical electronic apparatus (OEA) of SSP at the Russian Segment of the International Space Station for experimental operation. The paper presents results on the methodology, creating and laboratory testing of the apparatus for Space Solar Patrol Mission.