Inversion of extensional basins parallel and oblique to their boundaries: inferences from analogue models and field observations from the Dolomites Indenter, European eastern Southern Alps

Abstract. Polyphase deformation of continental crust is analysed through physical analogue models for settings wherein platform–basin geometries at passive continental margins are subject to subsequent shortening and orogenesis. In a first stage, segmentation of the brittle and brittle–ductile models into basins and platforms is achieved by extension. Basins are partly filled with brittle material to allow for a strength difference between basin and platform realms, simulating relatively weaker, incompetent deposits of grabens surrounded by competent pre-rift basement or carbonate platform rock, respectively. In a second stage of deformation, contraction parallel and oblique (10 to 20∘) to the basin axes has been applied, leading to the inversion of basins formed earlier. The experiments show that strength contrasts across platform–basin transitions control the localisation and overall style of compressional deformation, irrespective of the nature of the basal décollement (frictional versus viscous), the rheology of the basin fill, or changing platform–basin thickness ratios. Orientations of thrust faults change laterally across inherited platform–basin transitions throughout all experiments; higher obliquity of basin inversion leads to stronger alignment of thrust curvature with the orientation of pre-existing rift axes. At individual thrust faults, variations in the strike of thrust fronts are accompanied by changes in the shortening direction during incremental phases of deformation. Reactivation of normal faults occurs in oblique basin inversion settings only, favourably at platform–basin transitions where the normal faults face the shortening direction. The amount and style of fault reactivation depend on the material used. Our experiments are relevant for natural cases such as the Dolomites Indenter of the eastern Southern Alps, underlining the importance of inherited geologic features for the subsequent shortening geometries. Field structural data from the western segment of the Belluno thrust of the Valsugana fault system support predicted variations of thrust fault orientation and a lateral change in shortening direction (from SSW to SSE along-strike) along one single fault. Based on our modelling results, we suggest that this variability of thrust fault orientation and shortening directions, controlled by inherited structures, is consistent with strain partitioning during a single phase of deformation and does not necessarily reflect different deformation phases.

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