Faktor Risiko yang Mempengaruhi Kejadian Dismenore Primer
Primary dysmenorrhoea is defined as nausea and low abdominal pain during menstruation occur predominantly in young women in the
absence of pathology such as endometriosis. Primary dysmenorrhoea is a very common problem in young women, but the very high risk of
prevalence and the substantial morbidity of it may not come to medical attention because many women were conditioned to regard the pain as a normal, physiological event, even if it restricts their daily activities and may reduce their quality of life. The aim of this study was to analysis the risk factors influencing primary dysmenorrhoea symptoms. Dependent variable is primary dysmenorrhoea and independent variables are present age, age of menarche, menses duration, marriage status, childbearing experiences, nutritional status, genetic factor, regular exercise and smoking behavior. This research was a cross sectional study and investigation was done on 100 women ages 15–30 years old, who lives in Banjar Kemantren village. These women must already menstruate and not yet reach menopause, not pregnant, not using any contraception and for the past six months always menstruate. Information on present age, age of menarche, duration of menses, marriage status, experiences of childbearing, nutritional status, genetic factor, regular exercise and smoking behavior were obtained through questionnaire and direct
interview, while height and weight were measured to calculate Body Mass Index (BMI) in order to show nutritional status. The results of the Logistic Regression using Backward Stepwise (LR), showed that there’s significant correlation between present age, marriage status and genetic factor with primary dysmenorrhoea symptoms. For further research on primary dysmenorrhoea, it is suggested that other variable such as stress, dietary intake, alcohol consumption, etc can also be included in this research. It is also suggested that women should retain a healthy life style in order to avoid primary dysmenorrhoea.