Insulin releasing properties of the temporin family of antimicrobial peptides.
Temporin-1Vb, -1Oe, -1DRb, and -1TGb (10(-8) -10(-6)M) produced significant (p<0.05) and concentration-dependent stimulatory effects on insulin secretion from clonal rat BRIN-BD11 cells without increased release of lactate dehydrogenase. Temporin-1Va and temporin-1Vc (10(-8) - 10(-6)M) also stimulated insulin-release but were cytotoxic at 10(-6)M. Temporin-1DRa was without effect. The temporins at 10(-7) M had no effect on intracellular calcium concentrations suggesting that they stimulate insulin release via a K(ATP) channel- independent pathway.