Functional genomics of the social amoebae, Dictyostelium discoideum.

Dictyostelium discoideum is one of the simplest organisms to form a multicellular structure, and it offers several advantages as a model. In order to understand the genetic basis of the multicellular development, a comprehensive analysis of cDNAs is being performed. To date, about 75,000 ESTs have been collected at different stages of development. They have been assembled into about 6,400 independent sequences that represent 70-80% of all of the expected genes in D. discoideum. The results are available on the Internet. In addition to structural analyses, functional analyses of the temporal and spatial expression patterns and gene targeting are being carried out. Furthermore, there are plans to combine the information that is obtained from the cDNA, Genome, and Proteome Projects, as well as the published results, into an integrated database, DictyBase.