The Visual Evoked Potential (VEP) in color is a field that leads us to understand the vision and the way we see the colors. This research focuses on the interaction between the pupil and the response of VEP. The technology has been developed and adapted in order to introduce the color and retinal illumination in these studies. Also the methodology of the traditional Visual Evoked Potential has been changed in order to analyze the pupil. The goal of this project is isolate the effects of color making the luminance constant with the purpose of study the effect of color in the retinal illumination and VEP.The study was made with an electroencephalogram in a Faraday cage in order to reduce the environmental noise. The stimuli were isoluminicent to obtain only the influence of color in the PEV.The preliminary results shows that the instrumentation implemented will allow to study the effect of color in PEV and retinal illumination in an adequate way because it was recovered without noise. This study presents the instrumentation and methodology to research the relationship between retinal illumination and the influence on color observing the PEV. The methodology exposed in this paper is adequate to study the PEV in color using stimuli isoluminicent and the relationship with retinal illumination
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Respuestas pupilares a estímulos cromáticos en el espectro de 400 nm a 650 nm,en el estado estable
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Evoked Visual Potentials and Human Color Vision
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Comparison of the influence of stimuli color on Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials
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