An Enhanced Articulated Human Body Model Under C4 Blast Loadings

Previously we had developed an articulated human body model to simulate the kinematic response to the external loadings, using CFDRC’s CoBi implicit multi-body solver. The anatomy-based human body model can accurately account for the surface loadings and surface interactions with the environment. A study is conducted to calibrate the joint properties (for instance, the joint rotational damping) of the articulated human body by comparing its response with those obtained from the PMHS test under moderate loading conditions. Additional adjustments in the input parameters also include the contact spring constants for joint stops at different joint locations. By comparing the computational results with the real scenarios, we fine tune these input parameters and further improve the accuracy of the articulated human body model. In order to simulate the effect of a C4 explosion on a human body in the open field, we employ a CFD model with a good resolution and the appropriate boundary treatment to obtain the blast loading condition on the human body surface more accurately. The numerical results of the blast simulation are shown to be comparable to the test data. With the interface to apply the blast pressure loading from the CFD simulation on the articulated human body surface, the articulated human body dynamics due to the C4 explosions are modeled and the simulation results are shown to be physiological reasonable.