Harmonic Mitigation in a Single Phase Non-Linear Load Using SAPF with PI Controller

Power Quality is a major consideration in all office equipments, industries and residential home appliances. Harmonics play a vital role in power quality issues. A harmonic is generated and deteriorating the quality of power due to non-linear load, which is connected to the electrical system. Based upon the load, there will be an increase in harmonic voltage and currents in the system, which will affect the whole system. The limitations for harmonic voltages and harmonic currents have defined in IEEE 519 and IEC standards. That limitation can be achieved by using shunt Active Power Filters. This paper deals on shunt active power filter with PI controller. Shunt active power filter (SAPF) is designed by employing voltage source inverter with pulse width modulation (PWM). For R-L non linear load this harmonic mitigation is done. The MATLAB / SIMULINK model of this system is simulated and results are obtained through THD analysis.