A novel hybrid score level and decision level fusion scheme for cancelable multi-biometric verification

In spite of the benefits of biometric-based authentication systems, there are few concerns raised because of the sensitivity of biometric data to outliers, low performance caused due to intra-class variations, and privacy invasion caused by information leakage. To address these issues, we propose a hybrid fusion framework where only the protected modalities are combined to fulfill the requirement of secrecy and performance improvement. This paper presents a method to integrate cancelable modalities utilizing Mean-Closure Weighting (MCW) score level and Dempster-Shafer (DS) theory based decision level fusion for iris and fingerprint to mitigate the limitations in the individual score or decision fusion mechanisms. The proposed hybrid fusion scheme incorporates the similarity scores from different matchers corresponding to each protected modality. The individual scores obtained from different matchers for each modality are combined using MCW score fusion method. The MCW technique achieves the optimal weight for each matcher involved in the score computation. Further, DS theory is applied to the induced scores to output the final decision. The rigorous experimental evaluations on three virtual databases indicate that the proposed hybrid fusion framework outperforms over the component level or individual fusion methods (score level and decision level fusion). As a result, we achieve (48%, 66%), (72%, 86%) and (49%, 38%) of performance improvement over unimodal cancelable iris and unimodal cancelable fingerprint verification systems for Virtual_A, Virtual_B, and Virtual_C databases, respectively. Also, the proposed method is robust enough to the variability of scores and outliers satisfying the requirement of secure authentication.

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