Sustainable Design Formulation in Achieving Best Practice of Building Maintenance

in building design is a practice that consists of design ideas and functions responsible to keep the building or object in working condition with minimum possible consumption of energy, resources and monetary cost. Whereas in contemporary world sustainable built form is consider as a design scenario incorporated with scheme to control and bring down the reduction in maintenance of building. Unlike modern days, conventionally the building maintenance procedure used to be undertaking after the evaluation of the building condition. But in contemporary time building maintenance become the part of good sustainable design proposal. Despite the technological advancement of contemporary time prevention of building from unplanned maintenance is still an unsolved riddle which requires constant research to get it solved. In this hi-tech society buildings still suffers from the various issues of maintenance causes from decisions of their designer. It is a general observation that present day buildings are more vulnerable to maintenance as compare to older counter parts. The objective of this article is to appraise the responsibility of various factors of design contributing to destabilize the sustainability and initiates maintenance in building. In order to develop better understanding of subject this article is aims to explain the issues of maintenance and design in systematic development. Therefore dividing it into two parts i.e. Part-1 Introduction of field and developing understanding for formulated definitions and standards, Part-2 Assessing the design factors that deter sustainability and responsible for causing maintenance and finally reaches at conclusion.