Combining remote sensing, data from earlier inventories, and geostatistical interpolation in multisource forest inventory

Multisource forest inventory with two-phase sampling offers several advantages in the forest management planning when compared with the traditional visual inventory by stands. For example, by combining data from remote sensing imagery with field measurements, it is possible to estimate the forest characteristics of large areas at a more reasonable cost than by using the traditional visual inventory by stands. In this study, the k-nearest-neighbours estimation (k-nn), stand inventory data, and geostatistical interpolation were combined for estimation of five forest variables (mean diameter, mean height, mean age, basal area, and volume) per sample plot and stand. Digitized aerial photograph features, visually interpreted aerial photograph features, and updated stand inventory data were used as the auxiliary data sources in the estimation of forest variables. The results show that, at the sample plot level, the k-nn estimates based on the auxiliary data sources were more accurate than the updated stand inve...

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