Integrating and Managing the Information for Smart Sustainable Districts - The Smart District Data Infrastructure (SDDI)

The goal of making cities smart and sustainable leads to an urgent need for the development of a stable information architecture which is interoperable, functional, extensible, secure and transferable. A main part of this architecture is the data infrastructure, which covers the services supporting the dynamic data collected by various sensors and also a virtual district model, representing the physical district’s objects, which can be enriched with semantic information, i.e. thematic information from different application domains. Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards such as CityGML and Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) are crucial in the establishment of this model. In this paper, the process and the concept of the smart data infrastructure developed for Smart Districts are described in detail from five viewpoints according to the standard ISO 10746 “Information technology – Open Distributed Processing – Reference model”. The paper concludes with an example explaining the configuration of the so-called SDDI (Smart District Data Infrastructure).