Testbed is a software system that provides an emulation function for researcher to configure and access networks composed of variety of nodes and links. Some well-known test-beds, such as Emulab, Deter, and Twtestbed, are large-scale, remotely-accessible distributed systems testbed, used by over a thousand researchers around the world. But establishment of these test-beds need to invest large funding for many years, and this restrict emulation testbed application. In this paper we design and implement one lightweight Netbed, KLTestB, composed of three core models: NS Script Interpreter, Environment Generator, and Task loader. NS Script Interpreter is used to describe interpreted the network topology with extension NS Script. Environment generator perform resource allocation to map a target configuration onto available physical resources with PSO (particle swarm optimization) optimization algorithm. Task loaders realize the installation of the operating system image, the task parallel execution with Min-Min algorithm and Map Reduce. The experimental results demonstrate its ability to improve experimental efficiency in Environment configure and task Execution.
Sonia Fahmy,et al.
Accurately Measuring Denial of Service in Simulation and Testbed Experiments
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.
Mike Hibler,et al.
USENIX Association Proceedings of the General Track : 2003 USENIX Annual
Mike Hibler,et al.
An integrated experimental environment for distributed systems and networks
A. Groenwold,et al.
Comparison of linear and classical velocity update rules in particle swarm optimization: notes on diversity
Hee Yong Youn,et al.
Task Mapping Algorithm for Heterogeneous Computing System Allowing High Throughput and Load Balancing
International Conference on Computational Science.